Developing bad credit is something that can happen to anyone. Stuff happens. But just because you’ve slipped up in the past, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to buy a car going forward. That’s why we at Cars R Us have detailed how you can get car loans for bad credit.
Start Planning Early
When attempting to obtain car loans for bad credit, you’ll want to start planning as early as possible. For starters, get ahold of your credit report and look it over. See how it would look to a lender and see if there are any issues you can resolve immediately. It is generally recommended that you do so a few months before buying – two or three months, to be safe.
Compare Auto Loan Rates
What you don’t want to do is accept the first loan that you can get. Compare other loan options and their interest rates. Just because you have bad credit doesn’t mean you should accept a terrible offer. While you probably won’t get an interest rate as good as somebody with great credit, there are some rates that will be better than others. Don’t sell yourself short here.
Bring Documents to Prove You’re Worth the Risk
When you go to a dealership to discuss your financing, you’ll want to have a few documents with you to show that you’re worth the risk. You know, things that show you have a job and can make monthly payments (like on your apartment or house, for example). To do so, Edmunds recommends that you bring your driver license, a recent pay stub, a utility bill, and at least three personal references.
Set a Realistic Price Range
Okay, you’ve got the loan. But that doesn’t mean you should buy any car you get excited about. For example, just because you qualify for a $15,000 car doesn’t mean you should max that out. It’s best to buy a car below the loan number that you are approved for. This will give you some leeway on not only the car payment, but other monthly bills as well.
Get Car Loans for Bad Credit at Cars R Us
Acquiring car loans for bad credit can be a tricky endeavor, but it’s not impossible. Follow the guidelines outlined above by the experts at Cars R Us and you’ll be well on your way to becoming the proud owner of a car.
Continue to browse our website for more information on getting car loans for bad credit, or swing by the lot at 823 West Old Route 66 Strafford, MO 65757 to see some of our great used cars for sale! We’ll be happy to assist you in any way we can.